Meleah Miller, MA, LMFT Meleah Miller, MA, LMFT

courage to be imperfect

It all begins with an idea.

Today my Backdoor Counseling Blog goes live. Again.

I have spent hours & weeks, writing, and tightening up my writing. 

THIS post is no reflection of that effort.  

This post instead,  is making something happen. 

It is creating. 

It is risking. 

Welcome to a space for learning and imperfection and works in progress. 

Welcome to a space that will also have good writing, excellent writing, and in progress writing all rounded up together in the same place. 

There will be the sharing of info shared by research & science, and reflections. 

May it bring encouragement, inspiration, and camaraderie of community to you, wherever you are. This means you Barbara, Kelly, Jenn, Kimberly, Jo, Anya, Isabella, Rebekka, Constance, Tara, Wes, Jerry & Marilyn, Eva, Calvin, Hallie, Bob Bartholow...and all of you who either know you contributed to this- or are just finding out here about your impact!

Welcome to Backdoor Counseling! 

*in alignment with the content on this first post, my keyboard has decided to have a mind of its own, and it is capitalizing willy-nilly. In the interest of posting- i have let fixing it slide. I'm sorry for all you grammar nerds who are balking. I'm right there with you, balking, too.

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Meleah Miller, MA, LMFT Meleah Miller, MA, LMFT

why the name?

It all begins with an idea.

Counseling + Tools & Skills

is about using the best approach that is personalized to you. The backdoor approach is about asking questions in a way that leads to insight, reflection and clarification, not in a way that is judgy or critical.

It is also about more than feelings. It is about thoughts, actions, and how you show up in the world.

I find that a backdoor approach is really the way into the front door - the front door that helps you move forward from familiar, stuck places.

I do this through approaching thinking- by thinking about thinking- and asking questions that dig deep into why THIS challenge is so very challenging.

If you enjoy reflection and growing in self awareness to care for your best self, you may be a great fit for Backdoor Counseling.

IF you are a creative, we will tap into art therapy skills, if you are a reader or writer we will engage that modality.

If you saw a movie- even if I didn’t see the same movie- we can use metaphors from that flick to help you experience a healthier you, yes, I’ve done this and it has created results.

Backdoor Counseling is where I show up to help you be the best you that you can, by teaching you the skills that you haven’t learned yet.

In our work together I teach about the brain to help you understand what it is doing, and teach you the skills to tackle what feels untacklable.

Your stories, dreams and daydreams also speak volumes about yourself, and how you view yourself, others and the world.

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