What does private pay mean?
Private pay means you pay cash for a service, no insurance involved. You can, however, use HSA funds to pay for counseling services. Click to learn more about private pay and why it is better for both you and your therapist.
Why PRIvate pay? Why not take insurance?
Involving insurance means less choice for you and more work for your therapist. Click to learn why private pay is better for both.
What should I expect for the first session?
The first session is longer than the following sessions as we delve into details about why you are seeking therapy now, and the background factors that are involved. We will talk about what you have already tried on your own, prior to therapy, and how that went for you.
I want to hear about what you are looking for and how you would know that therapy was worthwhile for you.
If you have seen a therapist in the past, I will ask you about that experience. I would like to better understand what worked well and what did not work well for you in that past therapy experience to help inform our approach together. For example, if your past therapy felt like it was helpful, but had some missing pieces, I would like to know about that.
How many sessions will i need?
At your first session, after listening to your story and hearing about what you are looking for in therapy, I will be able to make a suggestion on how many sessions you may need to get the results you are looking for. For many situations, 4-6 sessions can be enough to help you work through and gain new skills to apply to your situation. Sometimes, more sessions may be required, depending on your needs and the length of time that you have experienced the challenge.
will i need therapy for the rest of my life?
What I often find is that people start therapy for one reason, and then they choose to continue therapy for another reason. As a therapist, my goal is to help people reach their goals.
Throughout the therapy process, I will check in with you to see how you think things are going. I will also be upfront with you if I notice that our therapy is no longer the right fit for you or if you may be better served by a therapist with different specialities than my own. I will offer you referrals to a few different therapists if that is needed.
I want you to feel equipped for life so that you can experience greater ease. For this reason, it is important to have an open conversation about the timeline of therapy, so that we mutually agree on the best timing for you to end therapy.